Business Leased Lines in London and surrounds

Dedicated leased line internet access for business. No sharing, unrivalled reliability, and market-leading service availability to help your business thrive.

No shared line. No compromise.

Get guaranteed speed at all times with a dedicated internet connection that goes all the way into your building

A must for businesses who demand both high availability and high capacity, achieved by providing up to 1Gbps connection with the option to converge data and voice onto one network.

The leased lines service is supported by our exacting service level agreement to give you peace of mind enabling you to concentrate on running your business.

Constant Bandwidth

A dedicated and customisable connection at a lower cost than a premium connection like fibre access.

Maximum Uptime

Ideal for businesses that need constant bandwidth and maximum uptime

Why Leased Lines?

Here are a few reasons why our customers choose a Leased Line.


Leased lines provide guaranteed internet speed, even during peak hours, giving you the power to support the evolving technology needs of your people and customers in London.

  • You no longer have to worry about Fair Usage Policy.
  • Use as much data as you like for the monthly price you agree.
  • You don’t have to worry about a drop in your internet connection.

Better Support

If your broadband connection in London goes down, you could be without an internet connection for days. This could have disastrous consequences for your business.

Therefore, a leased line comes with a Service Level Agreement (SLA), which guarantees that major connectivity issues will be resolved quickly and efficiently.

Your connections monitored around the clock, ensuring that help is on hand if a line goes down.

  • The best-in-class customer support.
  • 24/7/365 instant customer service.
  • Pro-active around the clock network monitoring.


As the connection is just for your use leased lines are ideal for companies in London that handle sensitive client information such those in the finance and professional services industry.

Your leased line is yours and as such offers a secure communications system. It is a private line so you can rest assured that no one else will be eating up your bandwidth and your speeds will remain constant day or night.

There will be no public traffic on your leased line, reducing vulnerability. Security measures will also be included in your service level agreement

Get in touch

Ask us your questions or contact us for further details on our Leased Line offerings in London:

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